Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Society of Actuaries in Mongolia established

The Society of Actuaries of Mongolia was established in November 2008 with the support and participation of the Financial Regulatory Commission (FRC) of Mongolia, the State Social Insurance Department, insurance companies and the National University of Mongolia.

The key objectives of the Society include increasing public awareness about the actuarial profession, promoting actuarial science and practice, encouraging and supporting students to study actuarial science and setting professional standards and an ethical code for its members. The Society is governed by a Board, which consist of the heads of member organisations and companies and is run by a managing director.

There are at present nine individuals who have permission from the FRC of Mongolia to practice actuarial science but no qualified actuaries as yet from the internationally recognised institutes or societies. The Society instigated actuarial courses in March 2009 at the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the National University and aims to introduce UK Actuarial Profession exams in 2010.

As a newly established organisation in a country where the actuarial profession is mostly unknown, the society welcomes personal thoughts, suggestions and advice that would help its advancement and that of the actuarial profession. Please e-mail Mr. Gantulga Donorov, managing director at society@actuaries.mn

Монголын Актуарчдын Нийгэмлэг байгуулагдсан тухай мэдээллийг "the Actuary" сэтгүүлд гаргахаар УЗГ-ийн зурагтай хамт явуулсан билээ. Энэ мэдээлэл сэтгүүлийн 7-р сарын дугаар дээр хэвлэгдэж гарсан ба тус сэтгүүлийн вэбсайт дээрх электроник хувилбарын линкийг явууллаа. 7-р сарын сүүлээр сэтгүүл ирэх болно. http://www.the-actuary.org.uk/863506 Энэ нь манай нийгэмлэгийн цаашдын үйл ажиллагаа, ялангуяа гадаад харилцаанд сайнаар нөлөөлнө гэдэгт найдаж байна


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